About Riva

About Me

Hi! My name is Riva Weinstein. I am an illustrator, graphic designer, writer, editor, and narrative artist from Southern California. I’m currently based in Boston.

I earned my Bachelor’s Degree in Anthropology/Archaeology from Barnard College in 2020. Much of my personal and professional work has been motivated by a deep and abiding interest in the ancient past, its mythology, and its literature, especially the Iliad of Homer. You can see that I have a flair for the dramatic, though you wouldn’t know it to talk to me!

I am currently studying to receive my Master’s of Fine Arts in Graphic Design from Boston University. I draw upon my sense of wonder and imagination about the world to create striking, powerful design objects for organizations that are doing interesting and meaningful work.

I have worked in a variety of editorial, nonprofit, and artistic roles, as well as freelance commissions. Past clients and managers have praised my friendliness, efficiency, good communication, passion, and the high quality of my work.

If you would like to inquire about commission prices or view a resume, please contact me via email.

Thank you!